Friday, December 19, 2008

Auto Bailout #2

I have a great plan. I think with the $13.4 billion bail out, each tax paying american should get stock in both GM and Chrystler. Here's how I would propose it work:

When you file your taxes this year (the IRS will have this record), each tax paying citizen will get a share in GM and Chrystler. I figure and use the logic, if our tax money is keeping them afloat, then we should gain from their future returns (which I doubt will happen).

Then after a period of time, they can opt to purchase the stock from you at no less than what it was worth when you received it (to prevent the dropping of stock price to have a buyout of less than what the value will be in the future).

I'm sure I could come up with a more thorough explanation, but I'm tired and lazy.

OH AND HUM IS PLAYING AT THE DOUBLE DOOR ON New Year's Eve and Day!!! Tickets are sold out for NYE and scalpers are being assholes ($200 a ticket...please)...however, you can find tickets on for $60 for the day show. Plus, The Life and Times are opening!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So I'm done with a few things:

School for the semester
Xmas shopping

that's about it really. nothing profound. I have to find a purpose for this blog. A focus if you will. I've been tossing random thoughts up here all willy-nilly and it's not necessarily good for readership. I've been thinking music, maybe recording techniques...who knows...maybe more Web design stuff (standards and what nots). Or, I'll just keep this random, sometimes political, sometimes sporadic (see: all the time).

Let me know...if anyone reads this.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Microsoft Office 2007 HTML Email and Dreamweaver

This post goes out to all HTML e-mail designers and coders.

As most of you know (I didn't until just recently), Office 2007 removed much of the CSS rendering capabilities of 2003 and earlier. The most important styles removed are: background-image, position, float.

OK, that's my opinion, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. So now, instead of using divs to design, we now have to go back to tables to do it. Well, that sucks. You can do a search for "Office 2007 and CSS" in google and the top result will be Microsoft's page on what is supported and what isn't supported or just click here.

Microsoft did one nice thing and created a "CSS validator for Office 2007" for Dreamweaver. If you have a PC and Dreamweave MX/MX2004/8/CS3 you can download it here.

However, if you are on a Mac you have no such luck. Until now. Basically, the installer installs a XML document and a text file with the CSS definitions that are supported. So I installed it on a PC, took the files and put them on my Mac and viola! the definitions work in Dreamweaver CS3 on a Mac. You can download the files here.

Download the zip file, open up Applications > Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 (or Macromedia > Dreamweaver MX/MX2004) > configuration > BrowserProfiles.

You can then open up the zip file and place the two files in the BrowserProfiles folder.

To use it, restart Dreamweaver, click the Check Page button (I don't know if it's that in MX versions), click Settings..., make sure Word 2007 is check, and hit OK. You are done! Now you will know what CSS you put in that isn't supported and will have to change.

Hopefully this will help one person. Oh, and no I don't use the WYSIWYG portion of Dreamweaver. Code view only.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Auto Bailout

First: Happy Late Eat Lots of Turkey Day.


I'm disappointed by the automaker bailout for the big three. I understand, they are trying to save jobs for the people that will lose them if the plants close. But as an industry, to say the automakers didn't see this coming is ridiculous. The technology to build greener, and more fuel-efficient cars isn't new technology. This is stuff that has been worked on for the last (at least) 20 years.

As Americans, we've been so consumed by the oil industry (thanks to politicians who are funded or own stakes in oil companies) that maybe they honestly didn't see this coming but I find that incredibly hard to believe.

I think some of the workers who possibly may lose their jobs should look into applying at Toyota. While the big three companies have been expanding overseas, Toyota did the opposite and opened plants here. And if someone wants to get into that "Buy American" argument, look no further than Chevy, Ford or GM. American made? Nope. Toyota is just as much American as those companies. I'm all for creating more jobs here in the states.

Hopefully the Obama administration keeps good on promises to create green-energy fueled jobs.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hope and Disappointment

So Barack Obama will be our 44th president. This could be the most defining moment of our time (well, next to a black, woman president...or hispanic or get the point).

I'm really proud that America (52% of you) realized that we are not in a bubble and it matters how we interact with the world. President-elect Obama is proof of that. He has a hard road ahead (either candidate would have).

John McCain left the race with dignity and respect. This is the John McCain that should have ran the race. He might have done much better. After all the mudslinging (on both sides), hopefully we can get this country back on track with the rest of the planet.

Now for the Disappointment:

Proposition 8 passed creating a ban on same-sex "marriage" in California. This is very disheartening as the very people who want to "protect" traditional marriage have a 50% divorce rate. Also saying that kids need a mother and father is bullshit. Children need a loving home where they can prosper and grow up to be strong intelligent human beings. That can be fostered in both heterosexual and homosexual households. I hope in my lifetime I see the dissolve of the antiquated view of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

What do I know though (probably nothing)?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This could be the best day ever.

America made our voices heard and here we are now with the first African-American president of the United States of America!!

Thank you for not disappointing me, U.S.A!

Vote Today!

The title says it all. Please vote. I don't care who you vote for (well...I do have a preference), but the point is to actually vote. So do it! Now. Stop reading this.

I said stop.

Go! NOW!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate #3 and more

So I watched the debate last night (well...the last hour of it) after I got back from class and London (yeah, I was in London).

I think McCain is seeming a bit tired with the Ayers and ACORN thing. It's not news. It's not a swing issue. As much as the GOP wants it to be, it's not.

The other thing is the "Joe the Plumber" shit. I wish Obama would have addressed the tax issue on air last night as Joe the Plumber is having a hard time separating Annual Business Gross Receipts vs Annual Personal Income. Under Obama's plan, Joe would actually get a tax break if he bought the "plumbing" business he works for.

Oh yeah, he also isn't licensed (not a big deal), but he did lie and say he was part of the Union (local 149 I believe) which he is not, nor ever applied for.

I think Sam Donaldson said it best this morning on GMA, McCain could have run the best campaign, it just happens to be a Democrat year.

London is bad ass. Go there.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Today's Megan's B-Day...HOORAY!

We're going out to dinner and then wrapping up the evening with VP Debates!

I'll have more tomorrow on the debates.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Office Live and Javascript

Today I came across an interesting little tidbit while here at work. I just finished a client's Web site and had posted it onto their server (they are using Windows Office Live...which is important to this story). I also installed swfobject 2.0 and lightbox 2.0 to switch out the navigation menu and create a photo gallery, respectively.

Everything worked great on my test server (which I believe is an apache server). So, I proceeded to upload the files to the Microsoft server (Office Live). I then received and email this morning from the client asking why the photo gallery wasn't working.

I was like, hrhhhh?

So, I checked it out. And sure enough, it didn't work. I tested it on a PC with IE 7/Firefox/Safari(PC) and then on my Mac with Safari. So then I did what I normally do, googled "Lightbox and Office Live". I came across one post that sort of pointed me in the right direction. The moderator basically gave an answer to the effect of, "change the extension names from .js to .jsx, that way the server won't cache the .js files".

So I did that, yet the gallery wasn't working quite correctly. I'd click on an image and it would remove my menu. It turns out there's another step you need to do to get it to work correctly.

Open the scriptaculous.jsx file (you renamed it, remember..if not it'll be scriptaculous.js, but it should be changed) and find the three (3) .js in this section:

$A(document.getElementsByTagName("script")).findAll( function(s) {
return (s.src && s.src.match(/scriptaculous\.jsx(\?.*)?$/))
}).each( function(s) {
var path = s.src.replace(/scriptaculous\.jsx(\?.*)?$/,'');
var includes = s.src.match(/\?.*load=([a-z,]*)/);
(includes ? includes[1] : 'builder,effects,dragdrop,controls,slider,sound').split(',').each(
function(include) { Scriptaculous.require(path+include+'.jsx') });

and change them to jsx (like they are in above) or just copy that and replace it in your file.

And there you have it! Working Lightbox on your Office Live server.

On a related side note: I was also having issues with the menu not loading using the swfobject.js, but it didn't concern me as I had a css menu in place if it didn't load correctly. But I changed that to jsx and viola! it works.

Hopefully this helps somebody out there searching for the same thing.

Friday, September 12, 2008

lying liars and the lies that the tell.

this video is awesome:

Check it.

Also, head over to to check an awesome debate between my friend Chris and a fundamental christian.

Check it here

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You can put Lipstick on an asshole and it's still...

The news media covering this "Pig in lipstick remark" is a bunch of shit. Also, to the Republicans, grow up already. People in your own party have used this remark.
McCain repeated the folksy metaphor when he criticized Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on health care. McCain was never accused of being sexist when he uttered those words.

Here's the link to the full story.

In fact, Nightline is running segments right now of Bush, Cheney and Edwards using the phrase.


Friday, September 05, 2008

Obama Tax Plan

My friend Chris brought this site to my attention today:

It's awesome. Everyone should check it out.

Also, I watched the McCain speech (to be fair, I would like to hear both sides). The one thing that pissed me off is the "booing" after McCain would mention Obama's name. Apparently American Republican's are a bunch of fucking 3rd Graders.

NOT ONCE, did I hear booing at McCain's name during Obama's speech. For once the democrats have a solid leader. Now, we just need everyone onboard. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Hillary-didn't-win-the-primary-so-I'm-voting-for-McCain asshole.

60 days. 3 debates. It's on.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More Rants!

So it's been a while since I've

I went to Canada for a little over a week to go fishing with my dad. It was a blast. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed fishing, although, I have to admit I was kind of a sissy about putting leeches on the hook. What can I say? They won't kill me, but damn are they weird little creatures. Little mini vampires.

I'll post some pics when as soon as I can.


Did Whirllyball. That was fun too. Megan and I went to a birthday party for Meg (Reptoids) and her girlfriend Michelle. We're all old now. Logan's Run style. I injured myself good doing it. Whirlyball is basically basketball + la crosse + bumper cars. I rammed the wall a few times, as well as opponents. I think I have internal bleeding.


So, I was watching ABC's coverage of the Republican Convention and they were showing some of the parties/soirees that our elected officials were attending. Basically a bunch of lobbyists and industry insiders get together, party it up with our government, and then give money based on promises (OK, you all know what lobbying is). However, this is the part that pissed me off:

As the camera people would film these individuals, they would duck out of sight, go into "closed" door areas or just tell them off. Why does this piss me off? Because as an elected individual to our government — you have a responsibility to the public (for which you represent) to show your face, have better judgement and be accountable for your actions. You aren't some rock star — you make policy decisions for our nation. Oh, and the man you chose to run for Commander-in-Chief (McCain) asked that the festivities be toned down in the wake of Gustav. Nice work.

If you are embarrassed about where you are or what your actions are — you shouldn't be doing them. I'm talking about politicians still, most of the general public has my blessing to be bat-shit-crazy.

Anyway..silly rant, but damn did it make me mad. I'm sure Democrats have the same, but it just happened I caught the report on the Republicans.

Final words: Sarah Palin should continue the advocation of abstinence-based sex education. It works like a charm. I think I read some where that an individual thought sex education in high school was inappropriate and gross. I'll have to find that. Gross is awesome. That's what they should teach kids, "Don't have sex, cause it's gross. You don't want to be gross, do you?"

Friday, July 25, 2008

Time for more politic funtime

So I'm over at reading about McCain questioning Obama's recent visit to the middle east and I find myself getting pretty pissed off.

One comment on the article was:

McCain you may question only his judgment, but those of us who know him, also question his loyalty and patriotism to the United States.

Apparently you did not listen to his speech in Germany. He made it perfectly clear where his loyalties lie, and it is not with us. He is a
citizen of the world. We the electors want a citizen of the United States.

You will do a great service to our country if you tell the truth about Obama. Continue where Hillary left off.

Use his new video on U-Tube to let the public know where Obama stands on the future defense of the United States. - Bayou Joe

and then:

I question Obama's judgment for many reasons . . the most recent being his trip abroad where he is acting as if he were already the President of the United States. - California Voter

Let's address these in their inherent idiocy:

"He made it perfectly clear where his loyalties lie, and it is not with us. He is a citizen of the world. We the electors want a citizen of the United States." All I can say is holy shit this man is an idiot. First, the man must not have listened to that particular part of the speech or he got the Fox news breakdown. He actually did say he was a citizen of the United States and then followed it up with "citizen of the world". Next, does America live in a fucking glass bubble that nothing in the world affects us? Seriously, people should really take the time to think before they post on public forums (perhaps myself included). Yes, we are citizens of the U.S., but we are also global citizens. Our actions affect what happens else where and vice versa. I could go on for days about this moron, but Darwin will take care of him.

Next up we have California Voter. "he is acting as if he were already the President of the United States". OK, so basically you want our next Commander-in-Chief to go into his job completely blind without gathering any information of things he/she may face when elected. Shut the fuck up. I wish I could post with out the expletives, but I can't. I'm too angered by stupidity.

Regardless if Obama becomes president, he's still showing the world that America is committed to solving problems on a global scale. McCain can whine all day long about Obama, but do you think his POW experience from 41 years ago gives him some sort of greater scope of knowledge to be president? Now I'm not saying McCain is inexperienced and that his Vietnam experience is all for naught, but nobody is prepared to be one.

Also, do we really want a whiney little bitch president? I don't.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I picked up an AKG D112 on ebay yesterday for about $100. This pleases me. I've been using the Shure Beta 52 and using all sorts of placement options, and musical styles, I found it just never worked for me. I don't know.

I might find the ATM-25 (Audio-Technica Mic) cheap and get that too. We'll see.

I'm also getting rid of the PG52 I have (poor mans Beta 52)...maybe I could buy lunch with what I get for it.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Great Quote

A co-worker of mine shared this quote with me today and I couldn't agree more.

The most annoying trait of Right-Wing Outlaws in general is a lazy incuriosity about the real world. They know their lines, they're sure who the good guys and the bad guys are. Therefore they view the passing world as a kind of animated "Bartlett's Quotations" - that is, as handy source material with which to illustrate, rather than challenge, preconceived views.

James Fallows

R.I.P. George Carlin

Sad news over the weekend with the death of George Carlin at the age of 71

He was a brilliant comedian and although his style changed over the years, becoming more crass and cynical, he still could make us laugh.

I was lucky enough to see him perform live and wished to again. I have a feeling the George Carlin estate is going to get a bump up in monetary flow with this event from the sales of DVDs, Books and CDs.

Rest in peace George.

Monday, June 16, 2008

TUGPL - Part 1

As some may know, this weekend I was in Madison, WI recording my friend Aaron's band, The Unnecessary Gun Point Lecture. Kyle, a guy from school (and lab partner last semester), joined me during the fun-filled weekend adventure.

Got in at about 11:30 PM or so, dropped off the gear, ate Taco Bell and went to bed.

Went to the Pine Cone Restaurant for some breakfast and hot damn! that was a tasty Denver skillet I had. The onions were caramelized perfectly. Delicious. OK on to recording. Because of major highway floodings and detours, we got to the studio/practice space at about 2PM.

I set up all the gear and we were going by about 4-4:30 PM or so. It actually went pretty quick considering I had nothing set up (as I really can't pre-set anything) and Kyle helped a ton with getting mic stands set up. I know it's not the most glamorous for him, but he was awesome and a trooper through the whole thing.

So long story short, we finished tracking drums by about 11:30 PM.

The drums so far sound great. We ran into a little problem with the kick trigger and it's lack of ability to NOT be velocity sensitive. It's the only trigger on the whole kit! I don't normally like to use them, but for this stuff, we have to. I just have to do some compression and replacement stuff. I'll probably do it before I go down ago so Ian has an easier time hearing the kick.

So, at about midnight, we began tracking some guitars. We did that until about 3:00 AM and then decided to call it a night/day.

Due to a scheduling snafu, the bass player couldn't make it out so Kyle and I packed up the gear on Sunday at about 1 PM after listening to the songs one more time to make sure it was all good.

Back in Chicago at 3:45.

So in part two of this story we'll have guitars, bass and vocals. I'm hoping we can get an early start on the 28th and finish up that day or early Sunday.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jury Duty

So I reported for a jury summons, and sure enough I got picked!

I just got done with the trial which started on Tuesday and lasted until about 3 PM today. I missed a couple days of work (I wouldn't actually say I've been missing it...hahahhaha...oh Office Space).

I'm not going to blog about the specifics. I'll tell you in person. Or maybe I will blog about it...later.

Friday, June 06, 2008

He says "no"

Thanks to K.W. and CNN, I was informed that Edwards would decline the #2 spot. That saddens me, but to each their own and he has to do what is best for himself and family.

So Clinton and Obama apparently have been talking. We'll see what happens. I guess my post 2 days ago was in haste. I don't know how voters will react. Although recent polls suggest most Democrats would be open and even encourage the idea.

We'll see what happens.

I'll put up a new song soon, but if anyone out there in reader land (all 3 of you) have a suggestion, I'll gladly post it.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

More Election Fun

So I've thought a little more about the whole Obama/Clinton ticket.

Now some Clinton supports have said (via blogs and newscasts...I'll see if I can dig up a real reference) that they wouldn't vote for the Obama/Clinton ticket because she wasn't president.

However, wouldn't it be best to vote for that if you actually support her? I mean, if she's the V.P. isn't that almost a shoe in after Obama's 8 years (optimism) in office? I think so.

I still think the Obama/Edwards ticket would be sweet though.

On to Universal Healthcare. I thought about this a bit today and wondered why the plans for Universal HC still include a premium. I understand they are merely trying to avoid creating a "new tax", but honestly, whatever they call it, it's just going to be a euphemism for a tax.

To people who say, "Look at Cuba. Their hospitals are in horrible shape" or "You don't get quality doctors", you're pretty much wrong. What people forget is that we live in America, one of the richest nations (if not the richest) in the world. We (government) can afford to build quality hospitals for every citizen and pay doctors accordingly.

Don't worry, there still will be private enterprises for the wealthy.

The only thing that concerns me about state/government run healthcare is the potential for the religious beliefs of the government to intertwine with care giving. But there's really a very small chance of that occurring.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama '08

So finally Obama has clinched (albeit by a small margin) the Democratic nomination.

This gets me pumped up for the pit.

Here's my take on what I think should happen in the Obama camp (yeah, opinions, like assholes. I get it.):

Obama should choose John Edwards as his running mate. At first I was in support of the Clinton/Obama/Clinton/Obama ticket which ever way it fell. However, after the Clinton's desperate attempt to remain in the race for the nomination, I just don't think that it's possible. Not to mention the fact that both sides had thrown mud for sometime at each other. I realize the game of politics includes such nonsense, but really, it got a bit awkward.

I think with Edwards support as a super-delegate and as a running mate, the Obama/Edwards ticket could easily gain the support of the blue collar educated and uneducated voters. Edwards is moderate enough to quell anyone thinking that Obama will push this country to the "brink of disaster" (quotes mine). Also, Edwards' stance on poverty and the economy and gay rights resonates pretty well with me.

This could be a damn fine year for us.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Land of the "Free" a couple things have gotten me riled lately.

!-- begin rant here

#1. From G.W. talk in Israel - source is the L.A. Times:

In a speech to Israel's Knesset marking the 60th anniversary of that country's independence, Bush said, "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along."

"We have heard this foolish delusion before," Bush said. "As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is -- the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

WTF?! So he uses Israel's 60th Birthday Party as a platform to blast a presidential candidate? Nice work asshole. It's like when Phil Leotardo on "The Sopranos" goes off in the bar at the family event about his last name. Great timing. I'm sick of this shit.

#2. People saying if Obama is chosen as the Democratic candidate, they'll vote for McCain or not vote.

Those people are assholes. Nice work on the party divide. Now, generally speaking I try to be on the socialist side of things, while coming to the realization that you have to work with what you have in this country. I think Obama will make a great president. "But, he has no experience." Oh yeah, Bush had tons of experience and look what he did.

So to all you dicks who will vote McCain if Hillary is not on the ballot, seriously, find a cliff and jump. Make sure it's high enough that you explode when you hit the ground. If Hillary wins, yeah, I'll vote for her. Voting for McCain is basically saying, "we want 4 more years of awesome. And by awesome, I mean hell."

#3. California's Supreme Court overturning the state's ban on gay marriage.

Finally, California, you're doing something right. I was reading a bit from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an article about Libertarian Bob Barr, and the comments on that page were damn hilarious. "God this", "god that". "God thinks you should ban gay marriage."...ok not actual quotes, but pretty close. The majority of people who posted are fucking idiots.

Saying gay marriage is going to ruin the institution of marriage is like saying bathing in hydrochloric acid is good for the skin. I can't believe as a nation who said whites and blacks can't get married and should have separate facilities in the early-mid 1900's are actually still having debates on issues like this. You'd think we've evolved and learned.

Oh and to the people who say it's in the bible, find the one that wasn't written by a King named James and let me know what you find. I saw in a H.P. Lovecraft book onetime that the Old Ones live beneath the sea. I'm not looking for Cthulu. Although, Cthulu is probably more real.

!-- end rant here

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ned's Atomic Dustbin

Sorry for the long absence from the blogging circuit, but I really haven't had much to say or much time to say what I needed to. Which it actually turns out was nothing.

Sorry to Joe for not posting more music. I'll put more up as I delve into my collection to post oldies but goodies.

Edit: OK, so I decided to do it now. Here's a band that I got into in the early 90's due to Dave Peters. He had this album and apparently his parents (who I think were Jehovah's Witnesses at the time..maybe still are) didn't think the song "Kill Your Television" was appropriate for their young son.

Fortunately, Dave shared this with me first. It's that 90's Brit-Rock-Grunge-Pop sort of sound that I've come full-circle to listening to again. "God Fodder" as an album still holds up pretty well with catchy songs and general all around good song writing. I'm not familiar much with their later stuff, as I may have had some of it, but can't remember.

So, here's the track:

Kill Your Television

Check it out. You can now find this on for about $2, so I say go for it.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back in the saddle again...I'M BAACK

I had half of my final last night which was the one-on-one. Basically, you have 30 minutes to prove your proficiency using Pro Tools to route signal to the mixing console, through the master link and monitor from the master link. Then you had to use EQ and panning on 2 channels. Also had to prove you could use the patchbay/AUX loops to send signal to the reverb unit and back. Then you had to use Compression on one channel.

So the run down: I used EQ on 12 channels. Panning on 12 channels. Compression on 3 channels and reverb on 12 channels. I actually think I did a pretty good mix for 25 minutes. It helped that the recorded material was really good and clean. Nick had ended up cleaning up the toms really good.

Oh, if you are a solid rock band and need a great recording, head over to Nick Eipers Web site and check him out. I know it's counter-productive to sell other's services, but let's face it, he has 15+ years experience.

Now wait for next week and the written test.

I'll post more music this week. Maybe it'll be a Friday thing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An audio event

Here's a little project I did for Production 2 last semester at school. This was the final for the class. We basically had to do a creative project, anything we wanted, the only requirement is that we manipulate recorded sounds and use effects through Pro Tools.

I chose to do a Old Time Radio program (well, inspired by) about zombies. The script is based off of "Dead Record" a film script my friends Chris Olson and Solomon Ayres had been working on (and promptly gave up because they are L-A-Z-Y. Just kidding.)

Well, since I thought the script was rad, I wanted to use it some how, so I rewrote portions of it to adapt it to a radio format. I would like to finish the script and film it sometime next year. I know it would be "B' grade, but I think it could be cool as hell.

Joe "Awesometon" Kelso appears as well playing both Dale and Jay.

Anyway, here's the mp3 of the finished version.

Dead Record OTR

Let me know what you guys and gals think.

(zombie image from

A picture

Here's a picture from Saturday night courtesy of K.W.

That's right. Bolton rocks the bass.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last Show

Well, I played the my last show (save for a reunion) with Reptoids at the Red Line Tap on Saturday night. It was a good show. We played our entire catalog (well, recorded that is) and were surrounded by good friends and fun times.

I don't know if it's really sunk in yet that I've left or won't be practicing with them anymore. I definitely have enough going on to fill the gap, but it won't be the same.

We'll see how long I can stay away from some musical project (creative) but I'm guessing it's not going to be long. My cousin and I have been talking about doing a project together, which is cool considering he's literally half way around the world in Korea.

This could be good.

Friday, April 25, 2008

I've become lax

I've been recently rocking some Bloodbath. The new EP, "Unblessing the Purity" is really solid death metal. I'm not too much of a fan of the cookie monster vocals and unintelligeable guitar riffs, so this album is pretty much up my alley. With members of Opeth, Katatonia and another band I can't remember, you know you're going to get good vocals courtesy of Opeth's own Mikael Ã…kerfeldt and awesome song writing by the other members.

It's basically like listening to Opeth's heaviest stuff with Katatonia type guitar solos and riffs.

They aren't really breaking any new ground, but for an EP it's really solid and I wish it was about 3-4 songs longer. All the songs are pretty short with none over 5 minutes. It's almost primed for radio singledom! Or not.

Download - Bloodbath - Weak Aside

As always, if you like an album, buy it. It helps support musicians and the people who record them (ME).

If you are a band that I post and want your stuff removed, I will do so immediately.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recording Madness

Last night we found out what song we're mixing for our final...which happens to be the song we've been mixing all semester. That's actually a good thing because we know the song very well and can mix it very quickly.

Also, we found out what we are doing for our one-on-ones and I'm going to totally ace that. So Recording I, you get an A.

This weekend I'm playing my last show with the Reptoids so everyone should come out. Tonight there's a killer show at Sub-T: Sweet Cobra and Yakuza!! It's super cheap and I'm actually going.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Alligator Gun

So I'm currently rocking Alligator Gun's Onehundredpercentfreak album and damn is it rocking. I went and found them on myspace and little did I know they played a reunion show in December of 2006. WHY DIDN'T I KNOW!?!? Plus, they played with Compound Red which is rad as hell (I think when I was in Pulse, we played with Compound Red at Concert Cafe). I remember seeing AG in 1995 at the Concert Cafe...those were the times.

It's actually amazing that Onehundredpercentfreak still holds up after 13 good on them for making an album that stands the test.

I'll put up a a song on the blog page from them next time I post. Then you should try finding their albums.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don't worry I'm not dead

I forgot to post yesterday. Sorry. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't believe I just apologized like it really matters and as if I offended someone (mike) with my lack there of.

Practiced last night with the 'Toids. Ran through some old school material that we haven't played in about 1.5 was SLOPPY!!! But, it'll be ready for the show. I hope they find a good bass player. I hope the tryout candidates actually come out and see us so they get an idea of kind of show we put on.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

CTA Fun time

It took 2 hours to get to work today thanks to the CTA and general El awesomeness. Basically, a train malfunctioned in between Grand and Clark/Lake. So that means the 5 cars in between mine and that one, couldn't move (I'm sure people even further north were pumped).

So we get to the Western/Mil. stop and the operator tells us that we will be standing for a bit as they try to fix the problem with the stalled train. Forward to 20 min. later.

The train begins to move and then we stop in between Western and Damen for approx. 15 min. We then pull into the Damen station and the operator announces we are going to be sitting for a bit again, because the other train has not moved. 10 minutes later (9:00 am). "Everyone needs to clear off this train. There will probably be shuttles waiting or you can take the #56 bus downtown."

Well shit. So we herd off the platform which takes another 5 minutes as people can't listen and do not get off the train. So at 9:05 am, about 500 people en masse descend from the platform to the North/Milwaukee/Damen intersection. No shuttles and one 56 bus packed nuts to butts (that's for the search engines and porn seekers). So basically all 56 buses will be packed because everyone north of us will have already gotten on them.

So here everyone is waiting for the shuttles. Finally (about 10 min later), the crowd sees the first of the shuttles and in what looks like the L.A. riots sans bricks and semis, run and trample stampede like to the stopped transport. I'll have none of this, so I sit back and watch it go down. I do this for about 4 more shuttles.

I took some photos with my new camera phone. Doesn't really give the size of the crowd, but it was pretty large:

Once the 9th shuttle came around I decided I should fight the crowd and actually get on a shuttle. Can't be passive. But the first 5 shuttles, no way. Those people are assholes. I think pregnant women and children may have died in that crushing "MUST GET TO WORK. BOSS WON'T UNDERSTAND. ME BUSINESS GOOD."

But now I sit here at work looking at design Web sites trying to get some juices flowing and get back on track with my design skills. The rut sucks.

Monday, April 14, 2008


So I did absolutely nothing this weekend. Ok, I take that back. I took apart my mixing board, cleaned it, broke some stuff, now I have to bring it in for repair. That's fine though. It needs the work. I ended up fixing some of it myself while I was in there. I just have to make sure it's up and running by June so I can record The Unnecessary Gunpoint Lecture. More on that later.

I also bought a glue gun! Welcome to world of arts and crafts for me. Anyone need a fake floral arrangement?

I'm disappointed by the lack of comments from Mike.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Not so interesting fact

I looked at the posts from previous years and it turns out, I'm pretty sardonic and sometimes even, I dare say, witty. Also, I've posted more in the last 4 months than I did all last year. I know most of you don't care, but it's weird. I don't know what else to say. I might try adding music to this thing to. Stuff I like and you should check out, you know, to give this a purpose.


So it's my birfday today...maybe I'll post more later.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is really exciting


Anyway, today marks the last day of my 20s. I don't think it will change anything, but it still is interesting. Apparently people are supposed to treat me more like an adult, but unfortunately those people keep getting older and the gap remains the same.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to do something childish to commemorate the last day. Which basically means that I act normally.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Information Age

Today I signed up at For some reason, I feel the need to get in touch with old classmates that I was friends with in high school that I haven't talked to since then. Nobody's just a feeling. Actually, I've been trying to find Zack Dahlman. The last time I checked he was in Spain.

Maybe somebody knows.

Monday, April 07, 2008


So we had the big 3-0 party on Friday night for myself and it was quite enjoyable. I got to see a bunch of people I rarely get to see anymore now that I'm 200 miles away. Overall it was a good night. The food was tasty, so hopefully people ate some and the drinks flowed freely (the root beer for me was fantastic). However it was the cupcakes that were hot diggity delicious. I actually didn't even get one until last night at home.

Go to Cupcakes to check em out.

So I went to the Hu Hot restaurant when I was in town to meet with the guys I'm going to Canada with and I'd have to say it's really not that great. Apparently in GB, people rave about this place like it's the next "insert something huge here that would only appeal to people who live in suburbs with other white people". I'll admit that I've become this food snob since moving to Chicago. I can't help it. Even the littlest ma and pa restaurant here serves better food. They have to, or they go under. So I would recommend saving the $12 you would spend on dinner at Hu Hot, go get yourself some taco bell and maybe go see a movie.

Like Megan said about Hu Hot, it's as if you ordered the asian dish at Perkins.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

what's that you say?

I can never think of good titles for my blog posts. Oh well.

I don't really have much to blog about today, but thought I would check in and see how cyber space has been and what it's been up to. So, what's up cyber space?

It's brat thursday at the eatery where I enjoy lunch. I'm going to get one now. YUM!

This birthday celebration is getting out of hand as's going to be a blast.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Ok, so I'm feeling slightly better today (about to go to bed soon).

I've finished mixing the Fremont now it's on to mastering. Mr. Harter will be giving it a shot and I have high hopes for said music's recorded quality. I think he'll do a good job.

I think I'm over some of the creative block I've been having, which is a positive thing. When I'm 100% I'll know for sure.

On a much sadder note: I've quit Reptoids. It definitely wasn't easy that's for sure. In fact we just put out a really fun little e.p. called Slayed. I recommend people buy it. What I was finding is that I couldn't meet the bands goals with my time commitment. I really want to focus on school and getting my recording engineer degree. The band wanted (and still going to) practice a couple times a week and do shows every other weekend. If this was 5 years ago...I would have said hell yeah. But I just can't do that now. And quite frankly it's unfair of me to be in the band and hold them back by having to cancel shows or not take shows because of scheduling conflicts.

Like I said earlier, I want to apprentice in a studio and that will eat up alot of my time, because not only will have that, but I also have the 9-5 M-F. I just don't really have the time.

I do wish them tons of future success and hope they find a new bass player who is willing to tour and play out alot. They're a good bunch of scrappy kids. If they don't get a guy for a bass player, I may have to show up and sing "We are the Wolves" as I sing that on the disc and I don't know if they could pull it off....well, Meg could (she'd find that amusing..I hope).

I just heard that Derek quit NDL as well. That sucks too, but he has a new little clone and needs to do the dad thing.

Bass players...what a bunch of jerks.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Friends

These are my two new friends. Say hi everybody!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Being sick sucks

The title really says it all. I left work early on Friday (which I never do) and went home to sit in my pajamas as I was overtaken with a fever. First I was super cold, then I was burning up, cycle repeat.

This whole weekend I sat under a blanket on my couch watching TV trying to feel somewhat better. The other thing is that I don't take medicine. I know that seems crazy, but it's true. Nothing for headaches or anything. However, I caved. I had to take some Aleve and damn did it reduce the symptoms.

My throat today hurts pretty badly, which probably has everything to do with the fact that I was coughing all night long. "Is the pain terrible?" Yes. I guess I'll take some Aleve for the next couple of days. Feeling like shit sucks.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

News is good

Apparently America should care:

This presidential election is getting a bit out of hand. The back-and-forth of the democratic candidates makes me want to vote McCain. No I'm just kidding. Nothing would do that.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired and can't really concentrate, plus I've been having a design funk lately. I think I need to meditate or medicate.

Monday, March 17, 2008


So some of you may know that I have bad heartburn (see: GERD). Well for the last 2 years, I pretty much stopped it in it's tracks and have been able to eat anything (still don't drink much or consume caffeine at all).

Well, it came back with a vengeance. Apparently, my esophagus isn't cool just chillin like a villain.

I read online about some yogurts helping. So, I'm back to watching what I eat so I stop the feeling of burning and puking. DAMMIT.

On a better side note, I think I may have posted this, but I get to apprentice in a studio. And I picked up all of Haste's discs from Century Media ( $3 a piece. Can't beat it. Also got Ahab's "The Call of the Wretched Sea" which is basically an Ambient Doom album about the story of "Moby Dick". It's really good and I'd recommend it even if you aren't into doom and can handle low low low vocals.

I think I may start posting more.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Nerd Tears

R.I.P. Gary Gygax.


So I just read a blog from Matt Cutts (google employee) about Writely.

Basically it's an online word processor, spreadsheet and powerpoint creator. The coolest thing is that you can save your documents and then have access to them anywhere you have an internet connection. I think that's pretty great for people who don't have a laptop and hate carrying around those jump drives.

Plus, because google is tied in with, you can publish what you write into your blog. You can also share your documents with other people by publishing them to a special URL.

I don't know, let's say you are writing a script for a movie called Korporate Karate 2. You can have the document online and accessible to the people you wish to see it and can create collaboratively regardless of distance. No more do you have to send the word doc to someone and have them make changes, then send it back, thus creating an endless amount of versions and clutter.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rock and Roll

Hey all...and by "all" I mean the 2 people that may read this.

Fremont record is almost done. It's actually coming together nicely and they seem to like it. One more round of edits and it's done.

At school, I'm in Recording I and we did our first tracking session with a 7 piece jazz group. They were really good and it seems to sound good. I think our next couple of labs are going to be mixing it which is sweet. Oh yeah, school makes me feel old. Cause I am. My lab partner is from Wisconsin which is awesome. Smart guy too.

Oh yeah, I'm also going to be able to hang out at Volume Studios, where Reptoids just recorded our latest EP called Slayed. It's an interesting little 3 songer with metal, rock and garage influences. Please buy it from us. It's only $3 ($5 with shipping).

I don't really know what else to blog about. If someone could help that would be cool. And, no Mike, I will not blog about squadging or granking.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fine. I'll do it.

Finally a new post. Reptoids CD release party was fun and nice. Sold some merch and the other bands were awesome. It was a good night.

In Recording 1 now at school. RAD! Mixing Fremont material which should be easier now that I know what I have to do.

I could post for hours on random things, but my employer would frown upon such things...and I agree.

That's it for now, look for Future Post™ coming soon!