Monday, April 07, 2008


So we had the big 3-0 party on Friday night for myself and it was quite enjoyable. I got to see a bunch of people I rarely get to see anymore now that I'm 200 miles away. Overall it was a good night. The food was tasty, so hopefully people ate some and the drinks flowed freely (the root beer for me was fantastic). However it was the cupcakes that were hot diggity delicious. I actually didn't even get one until last night at home.

Go to Cupcakes to check em out.

So I went to the Hu Hot restaurant when I was in town to meet with the guys I'm going to Canada with and I'd have to say it's really not that great. Apparently in GB, people rave about this place like it's the next "insert something huge here that would only appeal to people who live in suburbs with other white people". I'll admit that I've become this food snob since moving to Chicago. I can't help it. Even the littlest ma and pa restaurant here serves better food. They have to, or they go under. So I would recommend saving the $12 you would spend on dinner at Hu Hot, go get yourself some taco bell and maybe go see a movie.

Like Megan said about Hu Hot, it's as if you ordered the asian dish at Perkins.

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