Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ned's Atomic Dustbin

Sorry for the long absence from the blogging circuit, but I really haven't had much to say or much time to say what I needed to. Which it actually turns out was nothing.

Sorry to Joe for not posting more music. I'll put more up as I delve into my collection to post oldies but goodies.

Edit: OK, so I decided to do it now. Here's a band that I got into in the early 90's due to Dave Peters. He had this album and apparently his parents (who I think were Jehovah's Witnesses at the time..maybe still are) didn't think the song "Kill Your Television" was appropriate for their young son.

Fortunately, Dave shared this with me first. It's that 90's Brit-Rock-Grunge-Pop sort of sound that I've come full-circle to listening to again. "God Fodder" as an album still holds up pretty well with catchy songs and general all around good song writing. I'm not familiar much with their later stuff, as I may have had some of it, but can't remember.

So, here's the track:

Kill Your Television

Check it out. You can now find this on for about $2, so I say go for it.

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