Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hope and Disappointment

So Barack Obama will be our 44th president. This could be the most defining moment of our time (well, next to a black, woman president...or hispanic or get the point).

I'm really proud that America (52% of you) realized that we are not in a bubble and it matters how we interact with the world. President-elect Obama is proof of that. He has a hard road ahead (either candidate would have).

John McCain left the race with dignity and respect. This is the John McCain that should have ran the race. He might have done much better. After all the mudslinging (on both sides), hopefully we can get this country back on track with the rest of the planet.

Now for the Disappointment:

Proposition 8 passed creating a ban on same-sex "marriage" in California. This is very disheartening as the very people who want to "protect" traditional marriage have a 50% divorce rate. Also saying that kids need a mother and father is bullshit. Children need a loving home where they can prosper and grow up to be strong intelligent human beings. That can be fostered in both heterosexual and homosexual households. I hope in my lifetime I see the dissolve of the antiquated view of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

What do I know though (probably nothing)?

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