Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More Rants!

So it's been a while since I've posted...so:

I went to Canada for a little over a week to go fishing with my dad. It was a blast. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed fishing, although, I have to admit I was kind of a sissy about putting leeches on the hook. What can I say? They won't kill me, but damn are they weird little creatures. Little mini vampires.

I'll post some pics when as soon as I can.


Did Whirllyball. That was fun too. Megan and I went to a birthday party for Meg (Reptoids) and her girlfriend Michelle. We're all old now. Logan's Run style. I injured myself good doing it. Whirlyball is basically basketball + la crosse + bumper cars. I rammed the wall a few times, as well as opponents. I think I have internal bleeding.


So, I was watching ABC's coverage of the Republican Convention and they were showing some of the parties/soirees that our elected officials were attending. Basically a bunch of lobbyists and industry insiders get together, party it up with our government, and then give money based on promises (OK, you all know what lobbying is). However, this is the part that pissed me off:

As the camera people would film these individuals, they would duck out of sight, go into "closed" door areas or just tell them off. Why does this piss me off? Because as an elected individual to our government — you have a responsibility to the public (for which you represent) to show your face, have better judgement and be accountable for your actions. You aren't some rock star — you make policy decisions for our nation. Oh, and the man you chose to run for Commander-in-Chief (McCain) asked that the festivities be toned down in the wake of Gustav. Nice work.

If you are embarrassed about where you are or what your actions are — you shouldn't be doing them. I'm talking about politicians still, most of the general public has my blessing to be bat-shit-crazy.

Anyway..silly rant, but damn did it make me mad. I'm sure Democrats have the same, but it just happened I caught the report on the Republicans.

Final words: Sarah Palin should continue the advocation of abstinence-based sex education. It works like a charm. I think I read some where that an individual thought sex education in high school was inappropriate and gross. I'll have to find that. Gross is awesome. That's what they should teach kids, "Don't have sex, cause it's gross. You don't want to be gross, do you?"

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