Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I picked up an AKG D112 on ebay yesterday for about $100. This pleases me. I've been using the Shure Beta 52 and using all sorts of placement options, and musical styles, I found it just never worked for me. I don't know.

I might find the ATM-25 (Audio-Technica Mic) cheap and get that too. We'll see.

I'm also getting rid of the PG52 I have (poor mans Beta 52)...maybe I could buy lunch with what I get for it.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Great Quote

A co-worker of mine shared this quote with me today and I couldn't agree more.

The most annoying trait of Right-Wing Outlaws in general is a lazy incuriosity about the real world. They know their lines, they're sure who the good guys and the bad guys are. Therefore they view the passing world as a kind of animated "Bartlett's Quotations" - that is, as handy source material with which to illustrate, rather than challenge, preconceived views.

James Fallows

R.I.P. George Carlin

Sad news over the weekend with the death of George Carlin at the age of 71

He was a brilliant comedian and although his style changed over the years, becoming more crass and cynical, he still could make us laugh.

I was lucky enough to see him perform live and wished to again. I have a feeling the George Carlin estate is going to get a bump up in monetary flow with this event from the sales of DVDs, Books and CDs.

Rest in peace George.

Monday, June 16, 2008

TUGPL - Part 1

As some may know, this weekend I was in Madison, WI recording my friend Aaron's band, The Unnecessary Gun Point Lecture. Kyle, a guy from school (and lab partner last semester), joined me during the fun-filled weekend adventure.

Got in at about 11:30 PM or so, dropped off the gear, ate Taco Bell and went to bed.

Went to the Pine Cone Restaurant for some breakfast and hot damn! that was a tasty Denver skillet I had. The onions were caramelized perfectly. Delicious. OK on to recording. Because of major highway floodings and detours, we got to the studio/practice space at about 2PM.

I set up all the gear and we were going by about 4-4:30 PM or so. It actually went pretty quick considering I had nothing set up (as I really can't pre-set anything) and Kyle helped a ton with getting mic stands set up. I know it's not the most glamorous for him, but he was awesome and a trooper through the whole thing.

So long story short, we finished tracking drums by about 11:30 PM.

The drums so far sound great. We ran into a little problem with the kick trigger and it's lack of ability to NOT be velocity sensitive. It's the only trigger on the whole kit! I don't normally like to use them, but for this stuff, we have to. I just have to do some compression and replacement stuff. I'll probably do it before I go down ago so Ian has an easier time hearing the kick.

So, at about midnight, we began tracking some guitars. We did that until about 3:00 AM and then decided to call it a night/day.

Due to a scheduling snafu, the bass player couldn't make it out so Kyle and I packed up the gear on Sunday at about 1 PM after listening to the songs one more time to make sure it was all good.

Back in Chicago at 3:45.

So in part two of this story we'll have guitars, bass and vocals. I'm hoping we can get an early start on the 28th and finish up that day or early Sunday.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jury Duty

So I reported for a jury summons, and sure enough I got picked!

I just got done with the trial which started on Tuesday and lasted until about 3 PM today. I missed a couple days of work (I wouldn't actually say I've been missing it...hahahhaha...oh Office Space).

I'm not going to blog about the specifics. I'll tell you in person. Or maybe I will blog about it...later.

Friday, June 06, 2008

He says "no"

Thanks to K.W. and CNN, I was informed that Edwards would decline the #2 spot. That saddens me, but to each their own and he has to do what is best for himself and family.

So Clinton and Obama apparently have been talking. We'll see what happens. I guess my post 2 days ago was in haste. I don't know how voters will react. Although recent polls suggest most Democrats would be open and even encourage the idea.

We'll see what happens.

I'll put up a new song soon, but if anyone out there in reader land (all 3 of you) have a suggestion, I'll gladly post it.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

More Election Fun

So I've thought a little more about the whole Obama/Clinton ticket.

Now some Clinton supports have said (via blogs and newscasts...I'll see if I can dig up a real reference) that they wouldn't vote for the Obama/Clinton ticket because she wasn't president.

However, wouldn't it be best to vote for that if you actually support her? I mean, if she's the V.P. isn't that almost a shoe in after Obama's 8 years (optimism) in office? I think so.

I still think the Obama/Edwards ticket would be sweet though.

On to Universal Healthcare. I thought about this a bit today and wondered why the plans for Universal HC still include a premium. I understand they are merely trying to avoid creating a "new tax", but honestly, whatever they call it, it's just going to be a euphemism for a tax.

To people who say, "Look at Cuba. Their hospitals are in horrible shape" or "You don't get quality doctors", you're pretty much wrong. What people forget is that we live in America, one of the richest nations (if not the richest) in the world. We (government) can afford to build quality hospitals for every citizen and pay doctors accordingly.

Don't worry, there still will be private enterprises for the wealthy.

The only thing that concerns me about state/government run healthcare is the potential for the religious beliefs of the government to intertwine with care giving. But there's really a very small chance of that occurring.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama '08

So finally Obama has clinched (albeit by a small margin) the Democratic nomination.

This gets me pumped up for the pit.

Here's my take on what I think should happen in the Obama camp (yeah, opinions, like assholes. I get it.):

Obama should choose John Edwards as his running mate. At first I was in support of the Clinton/Obama/Clinton/Obama ticket which ever way it fell. However, after the Clinton's desperate attempt to remain in the race for the nomination, I just don't think that it's possible. Not to mention the fact that both sides had thrown mud for sometime at each other. I realize the game of politics includes such nonsense, but really, it got a bit awkward.

I think with Edwards support as a super-delegate and as a running mate, the Obama/Edwards ticket could easily gain the support of the blue collar educated and uneducated voters. Edwards is moderate enough to quell anyone thinking that Obama will push this country to the "brink of disaster" (quotes mine). Also, Edwards' stance on poverty and the economy and gay rights resonates pretty well with me.

This could be a damn fine year for us.