Friday, August 25, 2006

On the Road

Well kids, Reptoids are hitting the road for a one show tour!! Indianapolis will be our stomping ground tonight as we play in one of the oldest bars in the city, the Melody Inn.

We are playing with a death metal band and a punk band. Carnosaur and Dehydrated Vomit. Take your pick at what band plays what (but I put them in order respectively). It should be fun. Then when we are done, Meg (the drummer, not my lovely wife) are turning around and coming right back. sweet!! It's actually better. Then I can spend some time in Chi-town for once. I know I live here, but every weekend it seems I'm up in GB.

OK...time for me to go. I gots to do some work. Considering I'm at work, that's probably a good thing.

hugs and kisses.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Update! the exclamation point wasn't/isn't necessary at all.

DM had the reunion show, and to all that didn't show up...FOOLS! The place was packed. Nuts to Butts if you will. It seriously stayed full until close and we actually closed the place down. All the bands were awesome. Mr. Slate's new drummer Ben is good. really good. Not that Cookie wasn't, but Ben puts the rock on.

Fault played really well too. It was like we didn't take the last 2 years off (even longer for Fault.) DM also played well and that may be the last you see of us. Nick moved to Cleveland and me being in Chicago makes it hard to do anything else.

On to other things.

Reptoids are playing a ton now. 5 shows in the next month or so and it feels good. We are writing like mad and came up with some cool shit. It's fun for the whole family. Manson that is.

I start school on Sept. 11. Ohhhhhh...scary. Anyway, I'm going to Columbia for Audio Production & Recording. Hopefully something good becomes of it. I can record your Polka band!

Tonight: Windy City Rollers. All female roller derby. One of my co-workers, Dixie Pixie (real name withheld for sporting purposes) is rockin tonight and she's pretty bad ass. I wouldn't fuck with her if she had skates on. But at work she doesn't so I just take her candy. HA