Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween you Pagan Witches

So the Packers are 1-6....1-6!!!!! What the hell is going on with those turds. Oh yeah, I know. NEW COACH NEEDED. APPLY WITHIN.

Abe's costume was pretty good this Saturday. I almost didn't make it backing out of my spot. Joe was loaded. Joel was out, which was cool. Derek and Keeley decided that her kid was more important than alcohol. Now listen, I don't even drink, but at least I know what the right decision was. And they didn't make it.

I'm going for my second night with the Reptoids tonight. Hopefully I play to their specification without being a total douche bag waste of time. I wonder why douche bag is an insult. I mean, it's always by vagina, cleaning it out. Maybe it's just the way it sounds. Ponder that shit motherfuckers.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What up fools

I'm back. Again. I've decided that blogs really kind of suck, but it's an alternate to emailing all the pricks that read this.

Actually, I like you guys. I want to go to Wyoming and visit F&A (you should start your own clothing line Fucking & Assholes).

I ride the train to's better than driving. Much better.

The White Sox won the World Series last night in a 4 game sweep (for those of you living under a rock or don't give a shit about baseball). I generally dislike baseball, but it was hard not to get swept up in the town mayhem that ensued with the first appearance by the WS since 1956 and the first win since 1917. Craig would be proud.

1-5 = Go Pack Go!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


No sooner than I finish the last post and someone fucking spams it with an ad. Fuck that bot.

Sorry to all the Anonymous people who want to comment (I know there are millions waiting to do so), however, I disabled anon posting and only allow registered users to post.

Bots ruin it for everyone.

Regular Updates? What, me? Never!

So I tried out for the Reptoids ( last night and things went good..I think. Their music is good and seems like it's going to be fun, rather than a chore. I like that. Alot. Plus the women in the band seem really cool and easy to get along with.

I'll be in GB this weekend, partying like a rock star or in other words...SLEEPING! I could use some of that now.

other than that, things are looking on the up and up and I'll be playing one last show with SITG on Dec. 9th here in Chicago, so hopefully that goes well.


Friday, October 21, 2005

my band broke up.

Yeah it's true. My band SITG broke up this week. Another chapter, another dollar.

Anyway, I'm trying out for a new band this Monday called The Reptoids ( If you guys like Rock N' Roll, this for you. Especially those of you who are fans of L7 or the Donnas or 7 Year Bitch.

Good stuff.

However, SITGs new material will be up on the website soon. I'm still going to finish it. I really am.