Monday, December 12, 2005

First Show(s)

Friday, December 9th, 2006 marked my first 2 (count them 1+1=2) shows with Reptoids. The first being at the Note in Chicago. That was fucking weird. Basically, SITG was supposed to play that show, but due to circumstances beyond MY control, we couldn't. So Reptoids filled in. here's the gist: 8 bands, their respective posses and lack of caring for any other band. It was awesomely lame. So that started the night really fucked up.

Second show:

Nite Cap Lounge in Chicago. That show was good. It would have been a great "first Cherry popping show" but it will have to due. It was a crowd of people who wanted to see music! Imagine that. So that went well and people seemed to dig us. It was fun.

time to write some songs for the ladies.


Monday, November 21, 2005

3 hours 34 Minutes and 30 Seconds

Let me explain.

3 hours and 34 minutes to drive to Shawano.

30 seconds of Numbers Don't Lies set.

That's right. Then I saw Mr. Slate perform a couple of songs but had to hang out with the wife next door. However, there was Karaoke and a drunk 40 year old with poofy bangs all up in my grill. and by grill, I mean shit. and by shit, I mean me.

It was good though. Saw Yoshi and D. Sanchez and his wife to be...speaking of which where was Yoshi's wife..perhaps he could enlighten me. Hopefully he killed something from a tree this weekend. He doesn't do it D. Sanchez style (loin cloth, bare hands and teeth), but it's all good.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I knew 1995 was a good year

This is what made my birthday in 1995 a really good year. Seriously, I should have asked for this myself. How could I have not known for this long that this monumental release and I share the same day of life and release.

damn. I think I actually own this.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sickness. Everybody get down.

I think I'm getting sick. I should take a shit.

I'll be right back.

Ok...I'm back. Damn that felt good and stank bad.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


So I think I'm pretty much in the Reptoids ( Silent is the Grave is done (, however, I'm finishing the mixing on the new disc anyway, and we'll have it up for free on myspace. It'll be call "So what of the future, So what of the past?". The new stuff is much more sludgy and definitely has some aspects of Death Metal, Black Metal, European Metal and then of course that Isis, Cult of Luna shit I bring to the table. It's actually pretty dynamic with songs around the 6 minute mark. Too bad things didn't work out between us.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween you Pagan Witches

So the Packers are 1-6....1-6!!!!! What the hell is going on with those turds. Oh yeah, I know. NEW COACH NEEDED. APPLY WITHIN.

Abe's costume was pretty good this Saturday. I almost didn't make it backing out of my spot. Joe was loaded. Joel was out, which was cool. Derek and Keeley decided that her kid was more important than alcohol. Now listen, I don't even drink, but at least I know what the right decision was. And they didn't make it.

I'm going for my second night with the Reptoids tonight. Hopefully I play to their specification without being a total douche bag waste of time. I wonder why douche bag is an insult. I mean, it's always by vagina, cleaning it out. Maybe it's just the way it sounds. Ponder that shit motherfuckers.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What up fools

I'm back. Again. I've decided that blogs really kind of suck, but it's an alternate to emailing all the pricks that read this.

Actually, I like you guys. I want to go to Wyoming and visit F&A (you should start your own clothing line Fucking & Assholes).

I ride the train to's better than driving. Much better.

The White Sox won the World Series last night in a 4 game sweep (for those of you living under a rock or don't give a shit about baseball). I generally dislike baseball, but it was hard not to get swept up in the town mayhem that ensued with the first appearance by the WS since 1956 and the first win since 1917. Craig would be proud.

1-5 = Go Pack Go!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


No sooner than I finish the last post and someone fucking spams it with an ad. Fuck that bot.

Sorry to all the Anonymous people who want to comment (I know there are millions waiting to do so), however, I disabled anon posting and only allow registered users to post.

Bots ruin it for everyone.

Regular Updates? What, me? Never!

So I tried out for the Reptoids ( last night and things went good..I think. Their music is good and seems like it's going to be fun, rather than a chore. I like that. Alot. Plus the women in the band seem really cool and easy to get along with.

I'll be in GB this weekend, partying like a rock star or in other words...SLEEPING! I could use some of that now.

other than that, things are looking on the up and up and I'll be playing one last show with SITG on Dec. 9th here in Chicago, so hopefully that goes well.


Friday, October 21, 2005

my band broke up.

Yeah it's true. My band SITG broke up this week. Another chapter, another dollar.

Anyway, I'm trying out for a new band this Monday called The Reptoids ( If you guys like Rock N' Roll, this for you. Especially those of you who are fans of L7 or the Donnas or 7 Year Bitch.

Good stuff.

However, SITGs new material will be up on the website soon. I'm still going to finish it. I really am.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New E.P.

So Silent is the Grave is currently finishing up on recording the new E.P. tenatively titled. "So what of the future, so what of the past" or "So what of the future, to hell with the past".

We'll see. Anyway, it's pretty good. The songwriting is better and the songs are a little longer. You can definitely feel the DM influence I brought, although the chord patterns aren't as awkward and dissonant, which is a bit of a bummer ( I enjoy the all know that shit).

I'll have it posted on our website when it finishes.


Monday, June 06, 2005


I've decided to stop neglecting my duties as a responsible blog poster. So here's a post.

July is going to kick ass. First there is so much shit going on. Sean and Wanda's wedding then Fred and Ashley's...2 weeks in a row I won't drink, but will dance with or without my pants.

This will be some good stuff. To all who are staying in Milwaukee for S&W wedding. Derek, Keeley, Megs and me are staying at the Excel in. It's the cheapest, most rooms and a good time. So everyone should stay there. We'll fuck that place up!

Oh yeah. For those in GB. Silent is the Grave is playing at the Eagles Club on June 17 and the Mainstage on June 18...come to both shows. The Mainstage show will kick ass. So please come. If we get 20'll be packed!

Hugs and many kisses.

Monday, April 25, 2005

More from me

SITG is playing our first show May 12th at Ryan's Ballroom in Combined Locks. Free show. At 9:00 PM.

We also have a show on May 14th at the Monkey Wrench in Appleton. $5. ALL AGES.

I don't even know why I'm posting this here. No one reads this except for Fred, and maybe Josh or Abe.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Finished the Album

We (Silent is the Grave) finished our album last weekend. and it sounds pretty good (if you are into circus music + BOLTON).

I should post on here more, but fuck it. I have better things to do than remember passwords and talk to you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It went to the greater Green Bay area...

...for the bloody resurrection this weekend. It was a good weekend, I got to see Miss September..which was pretty damn cool. And I got to see Numbers Don't Lie which was equally exciting. This post is bordering on useless and pointless as I'm having a very hard time composing complete sentences. I can only imagine a paragraph of this.

Anyway, I saw lots of people I normally don't see as well as some bands both Friday and Saturday night which was alright.

Recording for Silent is the Grave is going well. We should be finished this weekend and have it up on the website early next week.

I wish I had something really prolific to say, but alas only man can conquer what man can envision.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Silent is the Grave began recording our demo. It's going pretty well, a little longer than expected but that's always the case as we learn to work with what we have.

Hopefully it will be on the website by the first week of April and we'll start tracking the real demo in May and have that out by June.

Other than that...nothing else happens, except my blubbering sarcasm.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another Post!

How did all of you get so lucky?

I think I like this better than live journal. Live journal is cool and everything, but this looks sleeker. I might rename this particular thing "Dissemination of Disinformation" is alright, but I'm still stuck in DM mode. Which I guess is ok, but I do have another band.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I created a blog.

Why? I don't know. Who gives a shit.