Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate #3 and more

So I watched the debate last night (well...the last hour of it) after I got back from class and London (yeah, I was in London).

I think McCain is seeming a bit tired with the Ayers and ACORN thing. It's not news. It's not a swing issue. As much as the GOP wants it to be, it's not.

The other thing is the "Joe the Plumber" shit. I wish Obama would have addressed the tax issue on air last night as Joe the Plumber is having a hard time separating Annual Business Gross Receipts vs Annual Personal Income. Under Obama's plan, Joe would actually get a tax break if he bought the "plumbing" business he works for.

Oh yeah, he also isn't licensed (not a big deal), but he did lie and say he was part of the Union (local 149 I believe) which he is not, nor ever applied for.

I think Sam Donaldson said it best this morning on GMA, McCain could have run the best campaign, it just happens to be a Democrat year.

London is bad ass. Go there.


Mike Oblivion said...

WTF were you doing in LONDON!?

Btw, I'm jobless as of this past Tuesday.

Am I Chi-Town bound? Who knows.

Politics are boring. I subscribe to porn and twinkie commercials. Much more satisfying.


Christopher said...

Chicago rules should come down here.